The COACHING For Elevating Your Speaking!
- Full Day of 1-on-1 jam packed coaching with author, subject matter expert, and Hall-of-Fame Speaker, Mike Domitrz.
- Experience an All-Inclusive Coaching Opportunity. If you choose, you can stay with Mike and Karen at their lake home in Wisconsin. All you have to do is get yourself there.
- YOU CHOOSE the focus of the entire day. Are you seeking coaching for marketing, messaging, being more impactful from the stage, using technology, or do you want it all? You choose!
- NO B.S. Approach. Mike is known for holding nothing back while challenging you – while also creating a safe space for being vulnerable throughout.
Email questions to [email protected] or
call us at 800-329-9390.
Welcome to speaker coaching led by Hall-of-Fame speaker, author, expert, and influencer, Mike Domitrz.
Would you like to a have a more impactful speaking business?
- Imagine making such a life-changing impact with every audience that attendees are providing you legit referrals and leads.
- How about having clients who tell the rest of their industry that you are, “The only speaker and expert who they bring back every year because you . . .”
- What if you LOVED your mission so deeply that you could never see yourself wanting to retire and consistently were in-demand for decades as one of the leading experts in the world at what you?
- Can you picture being flown around the world to share your message with audiences of all sizes?
- How about shaving YEARS off your learning curve to catapult your speaking business forward in the next year?

Choose 1 Day or 1/2 Day
for Upleveling Your Speaking.

Are you ready?
Do you love to challenge yourself with new ways to improve as a speaker? At your 1/2 day or full day 1-on-1 session with Mike, get ready to be inspired with new ideas for your next speech, discover new story telling skills, marketing strategies, and have paradigm shifts for how you treat your own talks.
Best of all, you get LIVE 1-on-1 Coaching from Hall-of-Fame Speaker Mike Domitrz. With Mike, he holds nothing back.
If you think you already know everything there is to know, then this coaching is not for you. Speakers and past clients LOVE how Mike challenges each person to question the long-held beliefs they were clinging to for too long.

When looking for a speaking coach, you want someone with a PROVEN track record who is still actively one of the most sought after speakers.
Why? You want a coach who knows what has always worked, what no longer is working, and what is new that is working.
With over 30 years of a Hall-of-Fame speaking career, you get it all by working with Mike Domitrz.

Are You Driven?
Are you driven to improve and driven to grow your impact as a speaker? Do you love being challenged? When a coach provides you tools for transforming your business, are you moving quickly to implement them?
If your answer was, “Yes!” then you are going to love working with Mike. Being coached by Mike is a fast-moving learning experience that is challenging, inspiring, and definitely fun!

The Struggles of Building a Speaking Business:
Lack Of Clarity
One of the top reasons speakers do not get booked is because decision-makers can’t see how you can help them. Mike Domitrz will help you overcome this struggle by providing insights and analysis on your branding, website, and video previews.
"But My Biz is Different"
Many speakers struggle with applying lessons from speaker coaches because they can’t see how the model applies to their speaking business. With Mike Domitrz, he actively works WITH YOU to adapt strategies to specifically fit YOUR speaking business. Best of all, Mike brings out the BEST of YOU in your brand (instead of trying to make you fit a certain formula).
Where to Start?
Somedays, do you wish you had a magic wand that could easily provide you the exact resource you are seeking for the next step on a project you are building or a different set of eyes to provide you helpful feedback? With the right coach, they have access to all the resources and/or can introduce you to those who do!
Finding the Right Guidance
Have you every noticed how many people call themselves “Speaker Coaches” and how many of those coaches rarely speak themselves. Having a coach who is speaking all the time is a huge advantage. Why? Audiences are changing and so is the need to adapt how one interacts with audiences. You want a coach who is rocking stages TODAY and has been for decades!
Welcome Speaker Coaching
with Mike Domitrz.

Meet Your Coach: Mike Domitrz.
Hi. I’m Mike Domitrz. Yep that is me in the picture scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef in the summer of 2023 (I was in Australia for a speaking event).
As a Hall-of-Fame speaker, author, and subject matter expert, I have dedicated my life to helping people have their voices heard, including fellow speakers and experts from around the world.
When you work with me, my promise is to give you everything I’ve got to help elevate your speaking business to an entirely new level of impact!

What Makes Mike's Coaching Different?
Very few Hall-of-Fame Speakers have worked with the diverse audiences Mike Domitrz has throughout his career. In a single day, Mike has gone from speaking to Middle School students to speaking with Military Leaders. This diversity of experience brings you a wealth of knowledge.

What Skills and Strategies Will I Learn?
2-Minute StoryTelling
Effective Marketing
Mike's Lead Generation System
Advanced Enagement
Social Media
Make It Easy
Mike's Lake Home in Wisconsin
(35 minutes from Milwaukee airport and 75 minutes from O'Hare Airport in Chicago)
**Mike will work with you to find a date that works for everyone.
The Choice Is Yours!
As Mike shares in his talks, when you build a mutually amazing relationship with someone, you do so enthusiastically and freely (under no pressure, guilt, shame, or psychological manipulation). And that is exactly how Mike wants every speaker coaching client to choose working with him. If you are not 100% enthusiastic about working with Mike, don’t. No pressure.
The investment is straight forward:
- $10,000 a day or $6,500 for a 1/2 day of 1-on-1 coaching at Mike’s lake home in Wisconsin (35 minutes from MKE and 75 minutes from O’Hare /ORD).
Each participant is responsible for making and paying for their own flights as well as getting transportation to Mike’s home.

Mike limits how many coaching clients
he works withe each year.
Book Your Day with Mike ASAP.
Email us at [email protected]
or Call Us at 800-329-9390
Contact Us
We love working with professionals who want to be more impactful speakers so feel free to call or email anytime during normal business hours.